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63. Advanced Authentic Copywriting Techniques with Krista Tressa

In this episode, I’m speaking with Krista Tressa of Caring Messenger Copywriting. She revealed secret techniques that you can apply now to start selling more of your digital products. For the show notes to get a freebie from Krista, visit BeckyBeachShow.com. If you want to start and/or scale your digital product business, check out BusinessBeachClub.com.

Becky: Hey, welcome to Becky Beach. I’m Becky Beach and today’s guest is Krista Tressa of CaringMessenger.com. Welcome, Krista.

Krista: Hi, Becky. Thanks for having me. Wow. You just have just all this excitement and energy in your voice. I just love it.

Becky: Krista is a professional copywriter and her website’s caringmessenger.com.

Becky: And if you go there, she has a freebie prepared. So, so go ahead and tell me about copywriting and how it could be used to sell more digital products.

Krista: Sure, Becky. Um, copywriting. Wow. It is the emotional triggering, uh, words, or if you want to call that copyright, that’s really going to sell either your product or your service.

Krista: I think the best way to really market your goods is to share them with the world. It comes down to your chosen words, right? Your branding, your use of emotional intelligence, the psychology behind what you’re doing. Really drives a human, you know, another human being to be able to take that action, um, that next step down that customer journey.

Krista: So it’s super exciting stuff. Um, yeah, I like to call myself, you know, kind of like the, whatever word Smith, if you will, or, um, I just love to lay on words and, you know, see what, when you add a word, when you omit a word, um, if you, you know, You know, as, as you know, right, as a graphic design, um, specialist yourself, Becky, um, just even how you portray that word, right, and then just the different fonts and the colors and all that good stuff, how that really can bring, um, your words, your, your verbiage that you’re using for your marketing to life.

Becky: Yeah, I so agree. Like, but what people may be wondering is what would set advanced copyright apart from basic copyright when it comes to, you know, getting more sales. Is there some, some like psychology behind it? have some more advanced techniques?

Krista: I would say, you know, I mean, there are copywriters, right? You can pretty much, you know, go on the web and Google, you know, copyright or whatever and, and, um, find options, right? However, I feel like the emotional intelligence that a copywriter has, that’s really what’s gonna differentiate you, um, between being, you know, an expert, in my opinion, versus, you know, just a novice and type, that type of thing.

Krista: But, um, yeah, like I, my name of my business, Caring Messenger, it really, honestly, comes, comes from the heart. I felt led and called to do this, um, during the season of my life. Um, I do, you know, in addition, I have many just like you do, right. We are backgrounds and our past experiences are so vast in it.

Krista: The beauty of that is it really just adds, um, layers upon layers of just texture and experience and like working with all sorts of, um, different. People and you know, whether it’s a another entrepreneur or just, you know, a consumer um, really, you know at the end of the day just being able to Emotionally connect with them.

Krista: Um, I believe that that’s key and that’s kind of you know, what what differentiates Um myself of carrying messenger copywriting. Um, just having that I don’t know what you want to call it An edge I guess if you will.

Becky: Yeah, I do feel like because I actually met Krista. She scheduled a one on one call with me and I just felt her energy because I’m an empath and I, I just felt her energy.

Becky: I know we’re on the computer, but there’s just something about her energy that it’s, I’m really drawn to it. Like kind of like a moth to a flame. So I said, I got to have her on my podcast. I mean, she’s so impressive and she’s like such a good copywriter. You should go to her website. The copy is amazing and, and sign up for her freebie and everything.

Becky: So, tell me, how did you get started doing this?

Krista: It was another, um, ad on social media that actually caught my attention, so, um, this, this group that I belong to is called the Filthy Rich, um, Writer Copywriting, Copywriting and Comprehensive, um, Academy. That’s a mouthful. That is a mouthful, yeah.

Krista: Um, their ad just kind of, It did what it was supposed to do, right? It triggered an emotional response. And I’d been kind of like, kind of searching, seeking, like, you know, I’m a pharmacist by trade. I’m also a career and tech ed teacher. I love, I’ve always loved writing and kind of it, it hit all those trigger buttons, I guess, if you will.

Krista: Um, and I, even on my website, I, I do a review for them. Um, is I, you know, I’m an affiliate with them as well. And I was just like. Wow. You know, y’all did the right thing, right? It got, it hooked me, right. Um, copywriting, right. We’re looking at, you know, the hooks, like what are the headlines? What are the sub-headings?

Krista: What is the body copy? You know, what is the call to action? That’s called the CTA. Well, you know, what’s the, what’s the. The descriptions, you know, that, you know, if you’re, if you’re selling a product, all that kind of stuff. Um, but all of that, like packaged together, right. Is what really, I think is that, you know, thing that’s going to really elevate and move your product or your service or whatever you’re trying to offer to the world, um, out the door right now for yourselves and stuff like that.

Krista: So, um, yeah, so that’s kind of like, it was just really a, you know, It was just a season of my life. I was looking for something else to do with all my talents and skills and experiences. Um, I was looking for a little bit more flexibility, you know, I’m a mom and, you know, it kind of fell into place really.

Krista: And then I just started like, learning all about it and just diving deep and going, you know, below the surface. Um, and then just really found like, wow, you know, I’m good at it. I’m passionate about it. And like people, like you said, right? Like. I’m, I’m an extrovert. I like to call myself an inspirational extrovert, but, um, yeah, I think people, they can feel my heart, which, you know, like my logo, like kind of depicts that it’s like that transformation, the, you know what I mean?

Krista: Like just being, I don’t know, changed and, and, For good, I guess is what I’m, I’d like to say, but, uh, yeah, I do see the beautiful butterfly on your logo.

Becky: My business MomBeach.com also has a butterfly and I think of it as like a transformation too, because when you become a mother, you just transform.

Becky: Like I transformed so much when I became a mother. Like before I didn’t care that I was working nine to five or 60 hours a week. But after I had my son, I said I got to do something different. I can’t keep working like this for these corporate jabs. They’re treating me like garbage. You know, there’s more to life than this.

Becky: I didn’t even get to spend much time with my son. Probably like 30 minutes to an hour each night. Uh, uh, starting to get emotional about that. But yeah, so it’s great that you found your calling and copywriting. And then now you’re able to transform other people’s brands, post a heartfelt message. And it resonates with the target audience.

Becky: Just look at your website, you know, and I like how you say change is inevitable.

Krista: Like marketing, it’s always changing and it’s like, you really have to be able to be adaptive and, and, and to really not have your pride.

Krista: You know, high that you’re just like, ah, I don’t, you know, I, I, I’m resisting change I can’t do. And it’s like, if we embrace it and we, you know, and sure, you know, some people, right, that’s why I’m here for, like, we need help with, you know, the words, like, how do I express, right. What I’m trying to sell or what, you know, my product is or does, or, you know, what my service is.

Krista: You know, is or does, um, so, and it’s okay to, to need, you know, someone else’s expertise to help you along your, you know, journey to success, whatever that looks like for you. And that’s the beauty of, you know, just being able to help people with by hearing message or copywriting. Cause it’s like, That’s my passion.

Krista: Like, and if I can help you win, then that’s a win for me. You know what I mean? Without there’s just so many entrepreneurs that try to do their own copywriting, but a lot of them fail miserably because they don’t understand how to do it. Like they can’t really get into the psychology and mindset of how you can actually sell a product to somebody.

Becky: Cause you got to sell on emotion. And also I like to do like storytelling. So what would you say? Like some advanced storytelling techniques that can be used to create like a deeper connection with the audience.

Krista: Really, honestly, it comes down to researching, like, who you’re trying, like, who’s your ideal, you know, customer or audience that you’re trying to reach.

Krista: Really researching, like, all aspects, like, from, from what their feedback that they’re giving you. Like, so whether, you know, you go and, you know, whoever’s DMing you back or whatever, right? And really take a look at that and, like, Take that apart. So copywriting, it’s not just the act of writing, right?

Krista: There’s a lot more to it than that, right? It’s it’s it’s researching and like finding out. Okay. Well, who is the audience? What is you know? What is the brand? What are we what are their pain points all that kind of stuff? What is where are they in the customer journey? Um, and then Looking, you know, how can we tap into that?

Krista: Emotionally, right. Using our emotional intelligence. And then how can we also like, you know, make sure it’s a win win for every, you know what I mean? So that we’re not selling a false, you know, I don’t believe I don’t work for clients that sell false. You know what I mean? Like whatever that’s, I look all false promises and stuff like that.

Krista: Yes, yes. I, I vet my clients too. Um, and I want to make sure that we’re making, you know, the world a better place because we are here. And, and so I, I look also for, to work with clients that have that same, you know, passion and, and, and I guess perspective on life, I guess it’s more of an eternal perspective and lens for, for me.

Krista: And so I do, um, You know, you, you have to do your research. You have to see like, okay, like, what are we, what are our customers? Like, who do we want to sell for? Right? Like maybe you don’t want to necessarily sell to everyone or, you know, for everyone.

Becky: What are some advanced strategies?

Krista: Um some advanced strategies for using emotional triggers in copyright without coming across as manipulative So I see a lot of really manipulative click baiting copy out there, and how can you kind of get the same response but not come across as like a, a cheesy sales salesperson or a cheesy car salesman, you know?

Krista: Oh, exactly, exactly. No, I can’t. I don’t like the cheese, you know, the cheesy stuff in the Yeah. , you know, where just like, oh, what’s in it for me? What’s in it for me? It’s like, it, it has to be kind of, I think. a relationship, you know, that’s like more, um, two way in a, you know what I mean? Yes, we, we’re trying to sell, but, but it’s, it’s, I think that it’s more than, I always say relationship over transaction, first of all.

Krista: Okay. So, I see too much like it’s all about the money, all about the transaction when it’s like, yes, we want to sell whatever it is that we’re selling products or services, but these are humans, right? These are fellow humans, just like you and me on the other side of that. So, I mean, you have to like ethically look at it, but like, okay, like if I were them, if I were put yourself in their shoes, I think is, is Is key to it’s like what, you know, how would I feel if someone was, you know what I mean, trying to use these, you know, not so nice or you know what I mean, like these, you know, lack of better term you these these lies right to sell me I mean, I don’t think anybody would feel good about that.

Krista: Right. So I feel like you really have to do, and I always say this too, like you really gotta take a heart pause or do a heart check and like, what are your motives? You know what I mean? And, and for a lot of my clients, a lot of our, you know, It’s not just about the writing. Like I said, it’s about even just pulling questions and information out of them that they really probably never even thought of themselves.

Krista: So I’m gifted in that aspect too. Like, just like you said, I’m just, you know, being a communicator, like I like to. Go below the surface. I don’t I’m not superficial by any means like I like to go deeper like, okay Tell me why are you having these these so called problems, right? Maybe it’s a perspective thing Maybe it’s just you’re not choosing the the right words or the verbiage to say What your heart you know i’m saying like like what you’re saying?

And so sometimes it’s just that and then you know if I can help them with an aha moment and and say hey You know, I want you to like If you don’t need to hire me anymore, because I’ve taught you like, okay, to look for this or do this, you know, then that’s great. Like then they’re off kind of like on that butterfly, you know, flying off on their own and then they can go share and spread and pay that forward, you know, whatever that looks like to them and their audience.

And so it’s really kind of that ripple effect, you know, where you’re just, you keep spreading good and. Hope and you know what I mean? And it’s whatever success looks like for them, right? It’s not necessarily what success looks like for me, right? Everybody’s different and we all come from different, you know, walks of life.

And, um, we have different goals and dreams and that’s all, that’s awesome because that’s just variety, right? That’s just life. Um, but yeah, so sometimes it’s that just like pulling out and extracting, you know, things that You know, my client or whoever had never even thought of and they’re like, Oh, I never thought about them.

Interesting perspective, you know, I’m going to chew on that a little bit more. Yeah, it sounds like you’re just doing really authentic copywriting. You’re not trying to like, like sell a person, you know, as, as they aren’t, you’re just trying to sell them in as like a transparent, authentic way. And I really like that because you know that a lot of copywriters don’t do that.

Or they just upsell something, you know, make it sound like the greatest thing since sliced bread. But there’s nothing near that, you know, and then when you get the product, you’re like, Oh, I want like a refund, or I want to file a PayPal dispute or a charge back, you know, because then I’m not getting what they thought because it’s just a copy of just selling them on some dream, you know, that’s not going to happen.

You know, so you gotta be authentic when you’re selling. Yep. Exactly. Exactly. And I think that’s just like what the, You What people in the world, they want that, you know, I mean, there’s, I think they’re just crying out for authenticity and just like be real with, you know, and, and that’s like, I, I’m like, I am who I am, like, like, mean?

You can read my, like, wherever I’m posting, you know, LinkedIn or, you know, wherever on my website, like, you can have a free discovery call with me. You can get to, like, I’m not hiding anything. This is like who I am. And. If it fits and we, we vibe then awesome, you know, and, and if not, that’s totally okay too.

Like I don’t take it personally because everybody’s got their different, you know, whatever that they’re so I it’s. You know, it’s, it’s a very, I’ll say humbling like experience, but I think humility, right? It’s a good thing because it makes us like, it makes me stronger, makes me, you know, continue to, to, to grow and to be a better version of myself.

And I think that’s probably what, what every one of us, you know, whether we realize it or not, right. Or are really striving for, we want you. You know, show our, show our kids like, you know, integrity and, you know, all these employability soft skills that they don’t always necessarily teach, you know, in, in schools these days.

So it’s like, if we can as business, you know, in the marketplace and stuff like that, um, and leaders, right. Um, if we can showcase that, You know, to, to our kids and to, you know, our friends and our family and our coworkers and the world. And I think that’s, what’s going to, you know, bring the greatest impact.

And I’m all about like impact and the positive impact, um, that we can make, you know, in, in the marketplace for sure. So, yeah, so I totally, totally agree. Like I, I noticed there’s a lot of copywriters. They’ll, they’ll try to enhance. scarcity and, and also like social proof and stuff like that, like social proof, you know, or to get people to buy, they’ll do like that, the, like the, the timers, you know, like the timers that will end up clocking down and then the, the, and the screen like refreshes to another page, you know, what do you think of all that?

What do you think of all that? Do you think that’s kind of a cheesy way to do things? Like what, what do you usually do? I mean, I, you know, to each their own. I mean, yeah, sure. It’s a, you know, a taught. marketing method for sure to have that, you know, the urgency like, okay, if I don’t do it now, then, you know, it’s gonna never be available again, which, you know, we know that’s not the truth, right?

We wouldn’t be in business if we said that. I don’t use it, but I’m not, I’m not to say that it’s not effective because some people like, if they’re really they’re coming to you because they want, you know, X, Y, Z, and they’re picking between maybe, you know, you and like one other sometimes. Okay. Okay. That, that might for them, right.

Work. But like I said, you kind of have to know your audience, like audience, you know what I mean? Like, and if it’s for me, I’d rather have repeat. Clients that come back versus always like, you know what I mean? Like you’re, you’re, like you said, you’re trying to like, well, you got to buy it today. Cause I’ll never be, I’ll never have this.

whatever again. And it’s like, I want them to know, like, Hey, I’m here. You need help with, you know, whatever you want to buy one of my, you know, D I I do a lot of like DIY, like stuff for copyright and stuff like that just to help. Cause I’m a teacher too. So it’s like, I like them like how to do. And then of course, if you need help, then, you know, then come to me too.

Or if you don’t want to do the DIY, but you, you, you, like to know how to do it so that you can see if other people are actually doing right what you’re hiring them to do, that’s fine too. Um, Yeah, it can be really difficult to have to prove scarcity for a digital product because you couldn’t sell an infinite amount, man.

There’s no scarcity to it. But it’s not like a physical product where only a few were made or their set number is made, you know, then they’re totally gone. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. You can’t get any more unless you go to the factory and like try to get more that way or make more yourself. A digital product can be sold infinitely.

So like, uh, I’ve tried like some ways that I think to, um, to make, make digital products scarce is maybe just do limited license or have it set and like have it open a few times a year. I seen that a lot, but even still, I like, like, I always see like a back door, like after it’s totally gone, if you email the host or the, if you email the.

The creator a lot of times they’ll just give you the sale like I’ve done that myself before like if someone missed the sale for like maybe like a couple hours past the sales it’s oh the coupon expired a lot of times I’ll give them the coupon I’ll give them like another coupon I call it the backdoor coupon.

Right, right, and I think that’s like but they’re gonna return to you most likely because Did a kind thing like, you know what I’m saying? Like, I know what you’re talking about too. Cause I’ll, I’ll try, like, I think when you’re in business and are you done marking something, you kind of know the backdoor.

So it’s like, I always appreciate, like, if I, if I took that effort to like, Hey, I know I missed it. I meant to like buy it by this date. Is there any way, right. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having that one on one human. The human, like, whatever. I’m, I don’t know what happened in their life. Like maybe they honestly were going to try to like, you know, jump in on that bundle or, you know, or whatever.

And they, you know, something happened, like their grandma dog died. I don’t know. And like, so I always like, even with my students, like I always like gave them the benefit of the doubt, like, okay, now you could be totally lying to me, but I’m going to. Assume that you’re, you know, you’re honest and you’re whatever.

Um, so I always appreciate when, when someone would be like, okay, I understand. Like, but here’s the backdoor. Like, I’m still gonna, you know what I mean? Because I still want you to have that value of whatever the service or the product that I. Right. Creator was offering. Um, so, yeah, it makes sense. Like, sometimes I’ll, I’ll try to email them, like, if I missed out on a sale, like, maybe I had something happen in my life and I’ve had people deny me, like, oh, you can’t get it.

You got to wait until, like, so and so, or you got to wait, wait until, like, such and such time in the future, or when it opens, it only opens a few times a year. Yeah, so I’ve actually had them deny me too, but like it’s kind of hard to do scarcity with digital products. Like if you do an evergreen digital product, I mean, it’s hard to do scarcity with that.

Cause a lot of my products are just evergreen, like they’re available anytime. You can always sound like I’ve ever evergreen membership and courses. Sometimes I will put the courses on sale where you can get it at this price for a certain amount of time. I think that another great idea, at least what I’m finding is just like collaborating and going in with other people, you know, other entrepreneurs that you, you know, have a connection with, or you, you know what I mean?

You’re you’re, you understand that their mission and then they like your mission. And so you, right. You’re it’s for the good, like you, you come together. I think that’s a great way, like the, like the bundles, right. That you you’ve had, I think, or you’re going to have, or something like that. Um, the summits, all those kinds of things where you’re bringing, A lot of amazing talent and resources and you’re, you’re bringing it together.

Like that’s like, I don’t know. I think that’s like the sweet spot. Like the, the, the gold I appreciate when, when people see the value in what I have to offer. And obviously when I see, you know, value that other people have. People are offering I reach out to them and it might just be like, Hey, you know, I really like what you’re, you know, this is like for you, like, right.

I, what attracted me to Becky beat, right. It was just like the positivity and, and, you know, that you’re a mom too. And then you’re, you know, kind of the self made, you know, entrepreneur, you, you know, did all the things, you know, learned on your own, you know, that’s, you have that grit and that resiliency, I think.

Those are just like beautiful, like characteristics. And I think that is so unfortunately not seen as much, um, right now. Um, in my opinion. And so when I see stuff like that, I, I just want to celebrate that. And I just want to like encourage that because that’s how also we’ll change how the marketplace is too, is by being that, being that change, like being what we want to see, right?

Like we, I want my kids to have. you know, a better, you know, even better life experiences, you know, than I’ve had. And so if I’m not willing to, you know, walk the walk that I’m, I’m saying that I want to see, or, you know, what’s that one, the same, like talk the talk, you know, walk the walk, whatever that is. Oh yeah, I know what you mean.

But then, Then I’m being hypocritical. And then my kids are gonna be like, well, what the heck was mom talking about? You know what I mean? So it’s like, I really want to lead by example. And I always say I lead upside down because I don’t, I’m just being the change that I want to see in the world right now.

And so I just love that, that mindset. Yeah, it is. It’s a lot about mindset and perspective and gratitude because, you know, I’m, I’m, I view myself as very, very blessed and very, you know, and I don’t deserve it any more than anybody, you know what I mean? But I’m grateful. And like, if I can help someone else with whatever, you know, it is that they’re, you know, You know, looking for a need.

And if I can fill that need, then great. You know, um, or maybe I know someone that can help them better than what I can. Then that’s where referrals come in, you know, handy. And, and that’s, you know, that’s the whole beauty of just networking and just having these. I love podcasts, right? Cause it’s just, it’s such a great.

resource, you know, you can pop them in your earbuds and, you know, off you go. And me too. It’s fun. Like, I like listen to my car. Yeah. I noticed there’s like a trend with copywriting where it’s more humanistic and authentic because like AI has really taken a big effect. A lot of people are using AI to write their copy, but that just takes away the human element from it.

It’s like, like, what do you have to say about that? Yeah, I totally agree. I mean, there’s, I think of, Oh, a certain lane that I guess AI can have, you know, um, depending on what, what you’re doing. However, like you said, you know, it’s like in pharmacy, like we, you know, when I was practicing as a pharmacist in the hospital, it’s like, sure, I would have my, you know, applications or, you know, on my computer or my phone, you know, that I could quickly look up, you know, a medication or, you know, the dosage or something like that.

Um, but I didn’t, Use that to replace my own, like, human brain and, like, wisdom that, do you know what I mean? Like, it has its place, just like AI. It’s like, okay, sure, if you’re gonna, if you want to, like, get a couple ideas, you know, just start your brainstorming. Okay, if you want to put in a couple prompts.

You don’t, in my opinion, I was like, it doesn’t write good copy in general because, It doesn’t understand like exactly your it’s only good as good as I guess, you know, the prompts or whatever that someone’s yeah But it doesn’t do all that like you said the the human the human emotional intelligence kind of thing I don’t think it’ll It’ll ever be able to replace, obviously, um, the human brain and stuff like that.

And the, and the heart, the human hearts and emotions that we have. So, um, but yeah, I mean, can you use it as a tool? Sure. You know, I just wouldn’t use it as your only marketing because I don’t, I think you will, will not be happy. And I don’t think you’re going to get the, um, Attract the audience, I guess, and the customers that you really want, uh, without having that authentic, um, human relationship.

And yeah, it was my, what if it, one day you try to use like chat, GBT, wherever you’re using and it’s down, like you’re, and you need to write this copy or you need to do something with it, you know, or write your blog posts. Like, how are you going to do it? You got to rely on your own skills. You can’t just keep relying on AI.

And like you said, there’s no like human element to it. It can’t mimic. Yep. It’s somewhat, but you know, reading it just doesn’t sound as authentic. It actually does sound like a, a robot wrote it. Exactly. There’s no emotion or anything, anything in the word. Yeah. Cause I mean, humans, right? We talk like this.

I mean, you know what I mean? It’s like, how do you tell the robot? Like, Oh, well just here, here, use a little slang here. Use a little of your, wherever, you know, part of the country, you’re, you know, the little twang or whatever that’s going on. Yeah. It can’t pick up that. You know what I mean? It doesn’t. Oh, and the joy, like you can’t make someone without the, the human voice to like, you know, with our inflection, our, our tone, like it, it can’t, it just can’t do the exact same thing.

Could you kind of sound more, more Texan chat GPT. You don’t sound Texan enough.

We should see if that would work. Can we put in a, it probably, they probably have it, I don’t know. I hear it’s not sounding Texan enough. Like certain jokes that only like certain parts of the country would get. Yeah. Oh, goodness. What would you say some, some common mistakes that even advanced copywriters make and how can they be avoided?

Mistakes? Oh, well, I always recommend that you read out loud whatever copy you’re doing. Like, and I always tell my kids, too, like when they’re writing their, like, essays and, you know, stuff like that. I was like, y’all need to read it out loud because you can’t, like, Sure, you could be typing away on the paper and stuff like that, but if you don’t actually take the time to like read it out loud and actually like listen to what it sounds like, you, you totally miss out on, I think a lot of that emotional connection that you could have with your audience.

So I always recommend read all your copy out loud. Um, and then also don’t, I mean, be okay with brainstorming, like, be okay with, you know, writing, I don’t know, like, if 20, you know, headlines come to, you know, mind, and then, you know, 20 subheadings or whatever come to mind, like, usually, maybe you’re going to pick, I don’t know, three out of that 20, and then, Test them!

Like you can, you can do A B testing. Like you can just be like, okay, well I’m going to send this segment of my email this particular headline, and then I’m going to send this, you know, segment of my email this headline, and just see, you know, what, It’s the most kind of like response and then go ahead and then use that.

Um, yeah, I so agree. Like it’s always important to use a B testing. Yeah. Yeah. They get nervous and think that, Oh my goodness, I have to get this right though. You know, I’ve only got one shot and it’s like, well, you can test, like, you know, come up with a couple and then just see what your audience responds to better, and then you can do the same thing with, you know, sub subheadings.

You can, you know, do that with description, um, You know, portions of the product, that kind of thing, and just see, you could do that with images, you know, like you just see, okay, does the audience with this particular hook respond better to this, you know, with this hook and this graphic or, you know, does it even need a graphic?

Does it not? You know, um, would a video, you know, maybe work better, a video script of something? Oh, do you write Facebook ads too? Yeah. Like, I mean, any, any copy really. I mean, as long as you know, the, the kind of structure of like what, whatever particular medium that you’re advertising on. Cause you know, everybody’s all those different platforms, they have some little tweaks, you know, that are, that are different, you know, for example, Instagram from, you know, Facebook, right.

There, there’s differences. Um, same thing with, you know, like LinkedIn and stuff like that. And, and, you know, Pinterest and, you know, TikTok and all the different, so you do have to keep that in mind. Um, as you’re, you know, some, some don’t, you know, you can’t have a. Like Instagram, like you can’t have, I think it’s, I think it’s like the headline or something that or the subheading.

One of the ones I can’t think of right now, but one has, you know, it displayed or it’ll only display certain amount of characters. Um, and then, you know, the other one, you might have a little bit more flexibility and freedom. So knowing a little bit of that background stuff helps you to like figure out, okay, well, how much copy can I, you know, is, is a.

Are these eyeballs actually going to see right before they’d have to like click on a button or whatever. You know, there’s lots of rules on Facebook, Facebook, like I’ve had some ads denied because they said my copy was too good to be true because and also I heard that weight loss product. It’s like really hard to get an ad up there too for that.

Exactly. Yeah. Facebook’s they, they have a lot of, uh, rules and regulations. And so you have to, yeah, you don’t want to spend all this money. And then I have it denied. It’s like really obnoxious. I know. Thanks so much for being here today. Again, please go to caring messenger. Dot com to get a freebie. So do you have any last words Chris about anything that you need to discuss?

I just thankful for the opportunity. I thank you for What you’re doing and your business and all the different aspects that you’ve got going on. That’s beautiful Um, I think you know, you’re leaving an amazing legacy, you know for your son and and you know, keep inspiring um each other and and Like that ripple effect, right?

It’ll, it’ll grow. And so let’s just continue, uh, as, you know, entrepreneurs and, and in the marketplace and being, you know, positive for change, like good change. Um, you know, don’t give up. Right. You just, each day I say like, if you’ve got breath in your lungs, that, that means you’re, you’ve still got right stuff left in your story to do.

And, um, yeah, just, you know, Keep going, you know, adventure waits, awaits. And, um, yeah, I think if you view life from that kind of, like it’s a gift and it’s an adventure and like, there’s, you know, people to serve and things that, you know, stories to tell, I think it’s, it’s, it’s a lot more, uh, enjoyable that way.

So, yeah, but thanks so much for having me. This was really fun. I love to talk those. Oh, yeah. That’s what I love about you. Cause I wish I was more like that. I’m always an introvert and I struggle to. Find the right words. Plus I have a stuttering problem and I struggle to get words out sometimes. And, and, uh, yeah, I don’t let that stop me from having a podcast.

You know, I know a lot of stutterers cause I’m in like a support group for stutterers and a lot of them are afraid to be on camera that they want to do a podcast, but they don’t. And some of them are business owners. So they hire other people to do the podcast, not the podcast, but the videos for them, or they use AI.

And it doesn’t let them make you authentic. If you have a starting problem, it doesn’t matter. You should just get out there and be on video. Amen. I, I, I know it’s like, you know, you can be used, right? Like, and there’s so many people that you can inspire. Um, so I didn’t even know that you have that, you know, what you’re viewing as like a disability, cause it really doesn’t come across and you know, I didn’t.

I haven’t experienced it. So I think, woohoo, like you’re going on, you’re on fire. So that’s beautiful. I’ve been working with a speech therapist and she’s really been helping me. That’s awesome. Well, you’re doing amazing. And definitely, you know, I think it’s how you, how you view it. I don’t view it as a, you know, A setback.

Like, I think it’s like more of like a set up for all the other people that you’re inspiring out there. So yeah, that’s beautiful. Oh, this has been great again. Please go to Krista’s website, caring messenger, and she has a freebie. I’m trying to see where the freebies at. Is it like the button? Let’s start a conversation.

Oh, that’s a contact. It’s it’s when you, um, when you subscribe and you, the thing that says priceless and When you click on that then it gives you the when you put your whatever email in, and then it allows you to download it

Becky: Okay, i’ll make sure to link to her freebie in the show notes. You can visit the show notes at beckybeachshow.com we’ll have everything there. I’ll have a transcript, and you can find more about Krista on her website, her bio, and her picture. Well, thanks so much for being here today. Krista, I really enjoyed the the podcast today

Krista: Thank you so much, Becky. You have a blessed day. Nice to see you.

About Krista:

Hi! I’m Krista Tressa, the heart and soul behind CaringMessenger Copywriting, where
crafting influential messages isn’t just a skill—it’s my ministry and passion.

I write messages that elevate my clients’ business reputation and profits. I’m not just a
wordsmith, I’m a people person at heart. I also speak on a variety of topics that are
close to my heart, from Christian leadership in the market place to raising kids as future
disciples for good.

Beyond the business, I wear many hats. A wife, mom of 2, and a follower of Christ, I
navigate the world of entrepreneurship with an eternal lens.

I choose to lead upside down. Let’s create a message that speaks volumes, connects
deeper, and propels your business to new heights. I’m an inspirational extrovert and I’m
YOUR caring messenger 💜

Cheers to the adventure that awaits!