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I'm a digital business scaling coach that has grown my million dollar digital product business from scratch. Let me show you how to do it!

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66. How I Scaled My Business to $70K+ a Month by Diversifying Income Streams

In today’s episode, I’m sharing how I’ve scaled my digital product and blogging business to over $70k a month by diversifying my selling platforms and traffic sources—and you can do it too!

Welcome back to The Becky Beach Show! I’m Becky Beach! If you’re a creative business owner looking to scale your income and grow your business, you are in the right place! Today, we’re talking about one of my absolute favorite topics—diversifying your income streams and platforms to really hit that next level in your business.

Now, I know many of you are trying to scale your business and move past that plateau, so in this episode, I’m going to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how I’ve been able to grow my digital product business and my blog income by diversifying. I’m bringing in about $40-50k a month from my digital products and memberships, and an extra $15-20k through affiliate marketing. Plus, I earn around $2.5k to $3.5k per sponsored post for my blog, MomBeach.com. Sounds pretty nice, right? But let me tell you, this didn’t happen overnight!

I sell my products across multiple platforms like Shopify, Amember, Etsy, Amazon KDP, Teachers Pay Teachers, and ThriveCart. Plus, I’ve diversified my traffic sources through Google, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and even Flipboard. I’m going to break it all down today and show you how you can do this, too.

Why Diversification Is Key to Scaling

Let’s get real—if you’re relying on only one platform or traffic source, you’re putting your business at risk. It’s like having all your eggs in one basket. What happens if Etsy changes its algorithm? Or if Facebook ad costs skyrocket? Or worse, what if one of these platforms shuts down or bans your account? You’ll be left scrambling for a solution, and that’s NOT where you want to be.

When I first started, I was mostly focused on selling my products on one platform and driving traffic from just a couple of sources. And while that worked for a bit, it wasn’t sustainable for the long haul. I quickly realized I needed to spread out my income and traffic streams to really feel secure in my business. Let’s dive into the specifics!

Step 1: Diversifying Platforms for Selling Products

I sell my digital products on a variety of platforms like Shopify, Amember, Etsy, Amazon KDP, Teachers Pay Teachers, and ThriveCart. Each platform brings something unique to the table, and I want you to think about how you can use this strategy in your business. Here’s a breakdown of how I approach each one:

  • Shopify, Amember, and ThriveCart: These are my go-to platforms for my own website sales. Shopify is great for long-term branding, while ThriveCart is super powerful for setting up funnels that convert. If you’re not already on these platforms, consider how having your own shop helps you maintain control. Amember is self-hosted and has a one time payment plus $50 a year for maintenance. You own the customer relationship and you don’t have to worry about platform rules changing overnight.
  • Etsy & Teachers Pay Teachers: These marketplaces are amazing because they already have traffic. If you’re just starting out, these platforms are low-barrier ways to get your products in front of an audience. However, be mindful that you don’t fully “own” the customer—Etsy and TPT do, so make sure you’re collecting emails when possible to grow your list.
  • Amazon KDP: If you have printables, planners, or even books, this is a goldmine. I have planners on Amazon KDP, and the potential reach is HUGE. Plus, with Amazon Prime, people love the convenience.

Having multiple platforms allows me to balance out the ups and downs. If sales dip on one platform, I’m still earning on others. That’s the magic of diversifying!

Step 2: Affiliate Marketing as a Scalable Revenue Stream

I also make about $15-20k a month through affiliate marketing, which is another fantastic way to diversify income. Here’s the trick: don’t just slap affiliate links everywhere. You need to create content that solves real problems for your audience. My approach is to recommend tools and products I already use in my business and genuinely believe in. That’s how you build trust—and trust leads to sales.

Affiliate marketing is scalable because once you create that content, whether it’s a blog post, email, or social media post, it works for you on autopilot. I get a steady flow of affiliate commissions each month from articles and reviews I wrote months, sometimes years ago! It’s like passive income that continues to grow.

Step 3: Sponsorships on Your Blog or Platforms

Let’s talk about sponsorships. On MomBeach.com, companies pay me between $2.5k to $3.5k for sponsored posts and emails. If you’ve built a loyal audience, brands will pay you to get in front of them.

The key to landing sponsorships is positioning your blog or platform as valuable real estate. Show potential sponsors your engagement metrics, the reach of your email list, and your social media following. I create media kits that I send out to brands, which highlight these metrics and why partnering with MomBeach.com is a win for them.

I also have a clear system in place to ensure I’m only promoting brands that align with my audience. Authenticity is key, because people can smell a forced sponsorship from a mile away. Only work with brands that genuinely resonate with you and your community.

Step 4: Diversifying Traffic Sources

You could have the best product in the world, but without traffic, it won’t sell. I’ve learned that depending on just one source of traffic is a dangerous game. That’s why I’ve diversified my traffic sources across Google, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and Flipboard.

Each of these platforms has a different type of audience, and they work together to keep traffic consistent. For example, Pinterest is incredible for driving traffic to my blog and products, while Facebook and Instagram are perfect for community building and engagement.

One thing I recommend is making sure you’re not trying to be everywhere at once. Pick 2-3 platforms where your audience hangs out the most, and really focus on mastering those first. Once you’re comfortable, then start adding more platforms to your traffic strategy.

Step 5: Building a Sustainable Ecosystem

So, what’s the big takeaway here? When you diversify your platforms, traffic sources, and income streams, you’re building a sustainable business that isn’t dependent on just one thing. It gives you peace of mind and allows you to scale without worrying about sudden changes that could hurt your revenue.

This approach has allowed me to grow my income steadily, hitting that $40-50k a month mark with my digital products and memberships, and another $15-20k through affiliate marketing. Plus, the sponsorships on my blog give me an extra boost of $2.5-3.5k per post.

But remember, this didn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of showing up consistently, testing new strategies, and being willing to pivot when necessary. And you can do this, too. It starts with taking that first step to diversify.

Final Thoughts

Alright, friends, that’s it for today’s episode! If you’re currently relying on just one platform or traffic source, I encourage you to take a hard look at where you can start diversifying. The goal is to create multiple streams of revenue and traffic so you can scale your business and have the freedom to grow on your own terms.

If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to subscribe, and please leave me a review on iTunes—it really helps out the show! Thanks so much for tuning in, and I can’t wait to see how you diversify and scale your business.

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